As provincial COVID-19 restrictions continue, many are wondering where we are going with ringette this season. Winnipeg Ringette League has already cancelled their season, but there remains hope for some lifting of restrictions after February 12. While any game play cannot be expected immediately after, we continue to explore potential practice/skill opportunities if plausible.
Results from Ringette Manitoba’s Return to Ringette survey in December showed positivity towards continuing some means of ringette activities once allowed. Ringette association presidents have met numerous times to discuss any possibilities. Some associations are cancelling; some are hanging on.
For River East, we have some rinks that have decided to no longer maintain their indoor ice and others are contemplating the same. This means even when restrictions are lifted, there will be strong competition for remaining ice facilities. Your RERA board has not yet made a final decision.
Understandably so, we’ve had some inquiries on refunds for fees paid this year. We are going to wait until the February 12 provincial announcement before deciding on how the season will proceed and how to assess refunds. Funds for sunk costs such as Community Club fees and Ringette Manitoba (insurance) will be retained as well as ice times that have been used including tryout costs.
Thanks for your patience and stay tuned for further updates.
RERA Board